When Moses was called by God to lead God's people out of Egypt, Moses was doubtful. He was not sure if he was able to persuade and command the people. Imagine trying to teach and bring up a child. How easy is that? The child will cry, rebel, commit the same mistakes again and again, and worst still, not appreciating everything that you are doing for him. Therefore, I do not blame Moses for having doubts when he was called by God to lead and command THOUSANDS of people; not just ONE small child but MANY BIG BABIES!
God, who is omniscient, knew about Moses' doubt and fears, encouraged and affirmed Moses that He, who is omnipotent, would be there for him, to guide him and to teach him as he leads His people out of Egypt. Wow! Isn't God great? God did not throw work onto Moses but He asked Moses for his hand. God wanted to work WITH Moses, so that Moses could walk intimately with God that he too, could grow stronger in wisdom and knowledge WITH God and not independent of Him. God promised Moses that He will be with his mouth and teach him what he should say (Ex. 4:12). Wow!!! Isn't that just wonderful?
Many of us, including myself, have difficulties or even no confidence that we will speak eloquently to a small group, let alone a multitude of people. But nowadays, I will tell myself that God will do what He did for Moses; God will teach my mouth how to speak and when to speak; He will circumcise my tongue, disciplining the part of my body where life and death resists in.
Having said so much for the introduction, what I really want to share is the God arranged appointment I had with my uncle when he, my uncle, asked me to go over to his house to help him fix up some problems in his computer. I have always dreaded going over to his place as he will line me up against the stained wall, like a P.OW., take out the bulky and rusty machine gun which he has carried with him for years, one that does not shoot out bullets but spiritual vulgarities. Please don't get me wrong, the vulgarities here are not the ones you hear of everyday; they are just words from the Bible which are being used without proper understanding of the whole context or with the purpose of challenging another Christian in an absence of love.
I just want to make thing clear. My uncle is a GREAT man! I have always respected him because he cares a lot for us, his niece and nephews, and he is always so patient and humble. However, the fact on why he will bring out his “machine gun” is that he does not want us to go to a wrong church, one that does not adhere to the Word of God. Time and time again, I would explain to him why I am attending the church, the one he does not really like, reassuring him that the presence of God is so strong in that church, how the leaders teach and watch over us, only wanting the good for our lives and how powerfully the Holy Spirit flowed in that place. Many times, that conversation of ours does not really end with any agreeable conclusion and it would just fizzle and then the taboo topic will not be brought up again until the next faithful time we meet. Therefore, I can really see where he is coming from and I really appreciate him and thank God for bringing people who care and love us to us, so that there will be people whom we can be accountable to.
However, on Wednesday, during that God arranged appointment, when I was there to fix up his computer; the topic of my church was brought up again! At first, I reckoned that it was going to be another fruitless talk, one where I will just be watching him hurling his spiritual vulgarities at me. But I was wrong! God, being God, had other plans! The Spirit of God was upon me and revelations started to overwhelm me! I was so glad to know that this time round, I would not be the only listening to my uncle but the Holy Spirit was going to listen to him too! Man! At that moment, I knew that it was going to get exciting! Just like before, he asked if I really believe that my church is doctrinally correct, etc. I listened… to him and to the Holy Spirit. I was desperate. I had used my wisdom and knowledge which I had acquired in the School of Theology to answer him in the past but to no avail. This time round, it just felt different, while he was rattling away, I was lost in the forest of revelations which the Holy Spirit was revealing to me.
Praise God for the Promise of the Father! This promise made the Holy Spirit available to us. Now that He is dwelling in us, it gives me no reason not to communicate and have a close friendship with Him. The catch here is although He is in us, He does not force His will onto ours. That is why Bible makes it clear that when WE draw near, He will draw near.
Back to my story, when my uncle finished speaking, I started to share with him what the Holy Spirit had impressed upon my heart. As I began to speak, my eyebrows lifted in sheer amazement. Whatever I shared to my uncle were new revelations which the Holy Spirit had just revealed to me.
One example will be that when we were first born, we do not know what is right or wrong. As we are growing up, we perceive right or wrong according to our own knowledge. Therefore, what is right or what is wrong is being taught to us by others. We by our own knowledge may not have the right set of what is right and what is wrong. That explains the existence of discipline masters, teachers, parents, etc. There are here to guide us and to teach us on such things. Then there are the pastors in church. They are like spiritual parents to us. They are responsible to teach you and to guide you according to how God wants us to live. Thus, if we are stubborn or simply too arrogant to accept corrections, we will always stay as a child… not wanting to learn on what are the TRUE rights and what are the TRUE wrongs. It is only through learning from different people that we will grow on the whole. Life is a journey… one that is filled with lessons. That explains why you fall. When you fall, you will know that there is a bump or a pot0hole on that particular spot of the ground and thus, you will never walk into it again. People who have went through these “pot-holes” will then be able to help and advise on those who have yet to travel down the same path. Therefore, we cannot be so closed up to the point where whatever everyone said is wrong, only you yourself is right. If that happens, that will only show how mature you are.
For example, in the earlier days, when Holy Spirit was not openly preached, no one knew about speaking in tongues, let alone working of miracles in the name of the Lord. But as time progressing, people started to learn from the leaders, who in turn learnt from the Holy Spirit. Say, if they were not willing to learn or to change, do you think that there will be great healing miracles now? There may not even be a Benny Hinn.
To the extent you are willing to open up your mind, is the extent your strength or power will be.
If you can think big and not be limited by your own puny, little mind, then you will be able to grow exponentially. But when you close yourself up, not willing to learn or hear from others, you may miss on the important lessons in life. Worst still, you may even miss out on God’s plan for you in your life!
I really had a long talk with my uncle and words really describe how wonderful the whole session was. For once, the Word of God cut into him and he was lost for words too. It made him realized that it is not how much we think we know about the Bible but it is how open our heart is to the Word of God. The more our hearts are open, the more revelations will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. I have other revelations too but I think I will share them again… as it is getting late. Remember to drink from the Holy Spirit daily.
Let’s continue to fight the fight of FAITH; never stop running the race of FAITH.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Sweet sweet revelations
When Moses was called by God to lead God's people out of Egypt, Moses was doubtful. He was not sure if he was able to persuade and command the people. Imagine trying to teach and bring up a child. How easy is that? The child will cry, rebel, commit the same mistakes again and again, and worst still, not appreciating everything that you are doing for him. Therefore, I do not blame Moses for having doubts when he was called by God to lead and command THOUSANDS of people; not just ONE small child but MANY BIG BABIES!
God, who is omniscient, knew about Moses' doubt and fears, encouraged and affirmed Moses that He, who is omnipotent, would be there for him, to guide him and to teach him as he leads His people out of Egypt. Wow! Isn't God great? God did not throw work onto Moses but He asked Moses for his hand. God wanted to work WITH Moses, so that Moses could walk intimately with God that he too, could grow stronger in wisdom and knowledge WITH God and not independent of Him. God promised Moses that He will be with his mouth and teach him what he should say (Ex. 4:12). Wow!!! Isn't that just wonderful?
Many of us, including myself, have difficulties or even no confidence that we will speak eloquently to a small group, let alone a multitude of people. But nowadays, I will tell myself that God will do what He did for Moses; God will teach my mouth how to speak and when to speak; He will circumcise my tongue, disciplining the part of my body where life and death resists in.
Having said so much for the introduction, what I really want to share is the God arranged appointment I had with my uncle when he, my uncle, asked me to go over to his house to help him fix up some problems in his computer. I have always dreaded going over to his place as he will line me up against the stained wall, like a P.OW., take out the bulky and rusty machine gun which he has carried with him for years, one that does not shoot out bullets but spiritual vulgarities. Please don't get me wrong, the vulgarities here are not the ones you hear of everyday; they are just words from the Bible which are being used without proper understanding of the whole context or with the purpose of challenging another Christian in an absence of love.
I just want to make thing clear. My uncle is a GREAT man! I have always respected him because he cares a lot for us, his niece and nephews, and he is always so patient and humble. However, the fact on why he will bring out his “machine gun” is that he does not want us to go to a wrong church, one that does not adhere to the Word of God. Time and time again, I would explain to him why I am attending the church, the one he does not really like, reassuring him that the presence of God is so strong in that church, how the leaders teach and watch over us, only wanting the good for our lives and how powerfully the Holy Spirit flowed in that place. Many times, that conversation of ours does not really end with any agreeable conclusion and it would just fizzle and then the taboo topic will not be brought up again until the next faithful time we meet. Therefore, I can really see where he is coming from and I really appreciate him and thank God for bringing people who care and love us to us, so that there will be people whom we can be accountable to.
However, on Wednesday, during that God arranged appointment, when I was there to fix up his computer; the topic of my church was brought up again! At first, I reckoned that it was going to be another fruitless talk, one where I will just be watching him hurling his spiritual vulgarities at me. But I was wrong! God, being God, had other plans! The Spirit of God was upon me and revelations started to overwhelm me! I was so glad to know that this time round, I would not be the only listening to my uncle but the Holy Spirit was going to listen to him too! Man! At that moment, I knew that it was going to get exciting! Just like before, he asked if I really believe that my church is doctrinally correct, etc. I listened… to him and to the Holy Spirit. I was desperate. I had used my wisdom and knowledge which I had acquired in the School of Theology to answer him in the past but to no avail. This time round, it just felt different, while he was rattling away, I was lost in the forest of revelations which the Holy Spirit was revealing to me.
Praise God for the Promise of the Father! This promise made the Holy Spirit available to us. Now that He is dwelling in us, it gives me no reason not to communicate and have a close friendship with Him. The catch here is although He is in us, He does not force His will onto ours. That is why Bible makes it clear that when WE draw near, He will draw near.
Back to my story, when my uncle finished speaking, I started to share with him what the Holy Spirit had impressed upon my heart. As I began to speak, my eyebrows lifted in sheer amazement. Whatever I shared to my uncle were new revelations which the Holy Spirit had just revealed to me.
One example will be that when we were first born, we do not know what is right or wrong. As we are growing up, we perceive right or wrong according to our own knowledge. Therefore, what is right or what is wrong is being taught to us by others. We by our own knowledge may not have the right set of what is right and what is wrong. That explains the existence of discipline masters, teachers, parents, etc. There are here to guide us and to teach us on such things. Then there are the pastors in church. They are like spiritual parents to us. They are responsible to teach you and to guide you according to how God wants us to live. Thus, if we are stubborn or simply too arrogant to accept corrections, we will always stay as a child… not wanting to learn on what are the TRUE rights and what are the TRUE wrongs. It is only through learning from different people that we will grow on the whole. Life is a journey… one that is filled with lessons. That explains why you fall. When you fall, you will know that there is a bump or a pot0hole on that particular spot of the ground and thus, you will never walk into it again. People who have went through these “pot-holes” will then be able to help and advise on those who have yet to travel down the same path. Therefore, we cannot be so closed up to the point where whatever everyone said is wrong, only you yourself is right. If that happens, that will only show how mature you are.
For example, in the earlier days, when Holy Spirit was not openly preached, no one knew about speaking in tongues, let alone working of miracles in the name of the Lord. But as time progressing, people started to learn from the leaders, who in turn learnt from the Holy Spirit. Say, if they were not willing to learn or to change, do you think that there will be great healing miracles now? There may not even be a Benny Hinn.
To the extent you are willing to open up your mind, is the extent your strength or power will be.
If you can think big and not be limited by your own puny, little mind, then you will be able to grow exponentially. But when you close yourself up, not willing to learn or hear from others, you may miss on the important lessons in life. Worst still, you may even miss out on God’s plan for you in your life!
I really had a long talk with my uncle and words really describe how wonderful the whole session was. For once, the Word of God cut into him and he was lost for words too. It made him realized that it is not how much we think we know about the Bible but it is how open our heart is to the Word of God. The more our hearts are open, the more revelations will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. I have other revelations too but I think I will share them again… as it is getting late. Remember to drink from the Holy Spirit daily.
Let’s continue to fight the fight of FAITH; never stop running the race of FAITH.
God, who is omniscient, knew about Moses' doubt and fears, encouraged and affirmed Moses that He, who is omnipotent, would be there for him, to guide him and to teach him as he leads His people out of Egypt. Wow! Isn't God great? God did not throw work onto Moses but He asked Moses for his hand. God wanted to work WITH Moses, so that Moses could walk intimately with God that he too, could grow stronger in wisdom and knowledge WITH God and not independent of Him. God promised Moses that He will be with his mouth and teach him what he should say (Ex. 4:12). Wow!!! Isn't that just wonderful?
Many of us, including myself, have difficulties or even no confidence that we will speak eloquently to a small group, let alone a multitude of people. But nowadays, I will tell myself that God will do what He did for Moses; God will teach my mouth how to speak and when to speak; He will circumcise my tongue, disciplining the part of my body where life and death resists in.
Having said so much for the introduction, what I really want to share is the God arranged appointment I had with my uncle when he, my uncle, asked me to go over to his house to help him fix up some problems in his computer. I have always dreaded going over to his place as he will line me up against the stained wall, like a P.OW., take out the bulky and rusty machine gun which he has carried with him for years, one that does not shoot out bullets but spiritual vulgarities. Please don't get me wrong, the vulgarities here are not the ones you hear of everyday; they are just words from the Bible which are being used without proper understanding of the whole context or with the purpose of challenging another Christian in an absence of love.
I just want to make thing clear. My uncle is a GREAT man! I have always respected him because he cares a lot for us, his niece and nephews, and he is always so patient and humble. However, the fact on why he will bring out his “machine gun” is that he does not want us to go to a wrong church, one that does not adhere to the Word of God. Time and time again, I would explain to him why I am attending the church, the one he does not really like, reassuring him that the presence of God is so strong in that church, how the leaders teach and watch over us, only wanting the good for our lives and how powerfully the Holy Spirit flowed in that place. Many times, that conversation of ours does not really end with any agreeable conclusion and it would just fizzle and then the taboo topic will not be brought up again until the next faithful time we meet. Therefore, I can really see where he is coming from and I really appreciate him and thank God for bringing people who care and love us to us, so that there will be people whom we can be accountable to.
However, on Wednesday, during that God arranged appointment, when I was there to fix up his computer; the topic of my church was brought up again! At first, I reckoned that it was going to be another fruitless talk, one where I will just be watching him hurling his spiritual vulgarities at me. But I was wrong! God, being God, had other plans! The Spirit of God was upon me and revelations started to overwhelm me! I was so glad to know that this time round, I would not be the only listening to my uncle but the Holy Spirit was going to listen to him too! Man! At that moment, I knew that it was going to get exciting! Just like before, he asked if I really believe that my church is doctrinally correct, etc. I listened… to him and to the Holy Spirit. I was desperate. I had used my wisdom and knowledge which I had acquired in the School of Theology to answer him in the past but to no avail. This time round, it just felt different, while he was rattling away, I was lost in the forest of revelations which the Holy Spirit was revealing to me.
Praise God for the Promise of the Father! This promise made the Holy Spirit available to us. Now that He is dwelling in us, it gives me no reason not to communicate and have a close friendship with Him. The catch here is although He is in us, He does not force His will onto ours. That is why Bible makes it clear that when WE draw near, He will draw near.
Back to my story, when my uncle finished speaking, I started to share with him what the Holy Spirit had impressed upon my heart. As I began to speak, my eyebrows lifted in sheer amazement. Whatever I shared to my uncle were new revelations which the Holy Spirit had just revealed to me.
One example will be that when we were first born, we do not know what is right or wrong. As we are growing up, we perceive right or wrong according to our own knowledge. Therefore, what is right or what is wrong is being taught to us by others. We by our own knowledge may not have the right set of what is right and what is wrong. That explains the existence of discipline masters, teachers, parents, etc. There are here to guide us and to teach us on such things. Then there are the pastors in church. They are like spiritual parents to us. They are responsible to teach you and to guide you according to how God wants us to live. Thus, if we are stubborn or simply too arrogant to accept corrections, we will always stay as a child… not wanting to learn on what are the TRUE rights and what are the TRUE wrongs. It is only through learning from different people that we will grow on the whole. Life is a journey… one that is filled with lessons. That explains why you fall. When you fall, you will know that there is a bump or a pot0hole on that particular spot of the ground and thus, you will never walk into it again. People who have went through these “pot-holes” will then be able to help and advise on those who have yet to travel down the same path. Therefore, we cannot be so closed up to the point where whatever everyone said is wrong, only you yourself is right. If that happens, that will only show how mature you are.
For example, in the earlier days, when Holy Spirit was not openly preached, no one knew about speaking in tongues, let alone working of miracles in the name of the Lord. But as time progressing, people started to learn from the leaders, who in turn learnt from the Holy Spirit. Say, if they were not willing to learn or to change, do you think that there will be great healing miracles now? There may not even be a Benny Hinn.
To the extent you are willing to open up your mind, is the extent your strength or power will be.
If you can think big and not be limited by your own puny, little mind, then you will be able to grow exponentially. But when you close yourself up, not willing to learn or hear from others, you may miss on the important lessons in life. Worst still, you may even miss out on God’s plan for you in your life!
I really had a long talk with my uncle and words really describe how wonderful the whole session was. For once, the Word of God cut into him and he was lost for words too. It made him realized that it is not how much we think we know about the Bible but it is how open our heart is to the Word of God. The more our hearts are open, the more revelations will be revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. I have other revelations too but I think I will share them again… as it is getting late. Remember to drink from the Holy Spirit daily.
Let’s continue to fight the fight of FAITH; never stop running the race of FAITH.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Beauty of prints on trees... Simply inspiring!
Books I am reading now:
1) Drawing Near (Rev. John Bevere)
A book filled with revelations... :) very good. It really makes me wanna draw nearer to the Creator... to love Him with the simplest and purest of intentions; to pursue something which is so beautiful... a relationship many people see it hard having... You got to read it. It will be even better if you can get hold of the CD series!
2) 5 People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Heart warming and encouraging too.... really makes me see life in a new perspective! Some of the quotes are really mind-blowing and inspiring. God was not mentioned intensively here in this book but God was certainly a BIG part in the make up of the book.
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
5 People You Meet In Heaven
1) Drawing Near (Rev. John Bevere)
A book filled with revelations... :) very good. It really makes me wanna draw nearer to the Creator... to love Him with the simplest and purest of intentions; to pursue something which is so beautiful... a relationship many people see it hard having... You got to read it. It will be even better if you can get hold of the CD series!
2) 5 People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Heart warming and encouraging too.... really makes me see life in a new perspective! Some of the quotes are really mind-blowing and inspiring. God was not mentioned intensively here in this book but God was certainly a BIG part in the make up of the book.
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
5 People You Meet In Heaven
Beauty of prints on trees... Simply inspiring!
Books I am reading now:
1) Drawing Near (Rev. John Bevere)
A book filled with revelations... :) very good. It really makes me wanna draw nearer to the Creator... to love Him with the simplest and purest of intentions; to pursue something which is so beautiful... a relationship many people see it hard having... You got to read it. It will be even better if you can get hold of the CD series!
2) 5 People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Heart warming and encouraging too.... really makes me see life in a new perspective! Some of the quotes are really mind-blowing and inspiring. God was not mentioned intensively here in this book but God was certainly a BIG part in the make up of the book.
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
5 People You Meet In Heaven
1) Drawing Near (Rev. John Bevere)
A book filled with revelations... :) very good. It really makes me wanna draw nearer to the Creator... to love Him with the simplest and purest of intentions; to pursue something which is so beautiful... a relationship many people see it hard having... You got to read it. It will be even better if you can get hold of the CD series!
2) 5 People You Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Heart warming and encouraging too.... really makes me see life in a new perspective! Some of the quotes are really mind-blowing and inspiring. God was not mentioned intensively here in this book but God was certainly a BIG part in the make up of the book.
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
5 People You Meet In Heaven
Saturday, February 05, 2005
Sweet poem...
The girl of my life I have not met yet...
I love a girl,
Oh, so much.
I love her soft,
tender touch,
Her soft lips,
Beautiful eyes
Glistening off
The morning sunrise.
We watch the sunrise
And the sunset.
But this girl
I've never met.
In my dreams
She is so real.
It's just the way
She makes me feel.
If I could meet
A girl like this,
Her every move
I would not miss.
This girl would be,
Oh, so sweet
Holding my hand,
Walking down the street.
She could tell me she loves me
In front of her friends,
Saying what we have
Will never end.
But if it does,
We'll stay together
Just as friends
Always and forever.
This is the girl
I want forever.
If you can find her,
Tell her... I love her.
I love a girl,
Oh, so much.
I love her soft,
tender touch,
Her soft lips,
Beautiful eyes
Glistening off
The morning sunrise.
We watch the sunrise
And the sunset.
But this girl
I've never met.
In my dreams
She is so real.
It's just the way
She makes me feel.
If I could meet
A girl like this,
Her every move
I would not miss.
This girl would be,
Oh, so sweet
Holding my hand,
Walking down the street.
She could tell me she loves me
In front of her friends,
Saying what we have
Will never end.
But if it does,
We'll stay together
Just as friends
Always and forever.
This is the girl
I want forever.
If you can find her,
Tell her... I love her.
Sweet poem...
The girl of my life I have not met yet...
I love a girl,
Oh, so much.
I love her soft,
tender touch,
Her soft lips,
Beautiful eyes
Glistening off
The morning sunrise.
We watch the sunrise
And the sunset.
But this girl
I've never met.
In my dreams
She is so real.
It's just the way
She makes me feel.
If I could meet
A girl like this,
Her every move
I would not miss.
This girl would be,
Oh, so sweet
Holding my hand,
Walking down the street.
She could tell me she loves me
In front of her friends,
Saying what we have
Will never end.
But if it does,
We'll stay together
Just as friends
Always and forever.
This is the girl
I want forever.
If you can find her,
Tell her... I love her.
I love a girl,
Oh, so much.
I love her soft,
tender touch,
Her soft lips,
Beautiful eyes
Glistening off
The morning sunrise.
We watch the sunrise
And the sunset.
But this girl
I've never met.
In my dreams
She is so real.
It's just the way
She makes me feel.
If I could meet
A girl like this,
Her every move
I would not miss.
This girl would be,
Oh, so sweet
Holding my hand,
Walking down the street.
She could tell me she loves me
In front of her friends,
Saying what we have
Will never end.
But if it does,
We'll stay together
Just as friends
Always and forever.
This is the girl
I want forever.
If you can find her,
Tell her... I love her.
Friday, February 04, 2005
How wonderful God moves...
I have really been sharing so much about wanting to follow God, to live in His ways... learning how to be closer to Him! Guess what? God brought a powerful preacher to service this week, to share on a message that really blew me off! It was really God speaking to me... How wonderful is He! The way He uses people to touch lives! Praise God for His thoughts are highers than ours!
I believe tonight is indeed a gateway to the next level in my life. Praise God! Praises all to Him! You got to get hold Rev. John Bevere's CD titled "Drawing Near." I just got one; walking out of church knowing that I have just got a great investment on hand! The following weeks are going to be truly blessed! Cannot imagine how my life is going to change... letting God move me and mould me through Rev. Bevere's materials. He is one humble man... He is indeed one of my favourite preacher! Praise God for rising up godly man... man who are after His own heart... humble people! Praise God!
I believe tonight is indeed a gateway to the next level in my life. Praise God! Praises all to Him! You got to get hold Rev. John Bevere's CD titled "Drawing Near." I just got one; walking out of church knowing that I have just got a great investment on hand! The following weeks are going to be truly blessed! Cannot imagine how my life is going to change... letting God move me and mould me through Rev. Bevere's materials. He is one humble man... He is indeed one of my favourite preacher! Praise God for rising up godly man... man who are after His own heart... humble people! Praise God!
How wonderful God moves...
I have really been sharing so much about wanting to follow God, to live in His ways... learning how to be closer to Him! Guess what? God brought a powerful preacher to service this week, to share on a message that really blew me off! It was really God speaking to me... How wonderful is He! The way He uses people to touch lives! Praise God for His thoughts are highers than ours!
I believe tonight is indeed a gateway to the next level in my life. Praise God! Praises all to Him! You got to get hold Rev. John Bevere's CD titled "Drawing Near." I just got one; walking out of church knowing that I have just got a great investment on hand! The following weeks are going to be truly blessed! Cannot imagine how my life is going to change... letting God move me and mould me through Rev. Bevere's materials. He is one humble man... He is indeed one of my favourite preacher! Praise God for rising up godly man... man who are after His own heart... humble people! Praise God!
I believe tonight is indeed a gateway to the next level in my life. Praise God! Praises all to Him! You got to get hold Rev. John Bevere's CD titled "Drawing Near." I just got one; walking out of church knowing that I have just got a great investment on hand! The following weeks are going to be truly blessed! Cannot imagine how my life is going to change... letting God move me and mould me through Rev. Bevere's materials. He is one humble man... He is indeed one of my favourite preacher! Praise God for rising up godly man... man who are after His own heart... humble people! Praise God!
Enough is enough!
I can't believe that these three words are coming out from my mouth... Especially to someone who is SO close to me... someone who was always there when I was down; someone who shared my joy together with me! We laughed together, cried together, man... we even dream together!
During our happier days, before I met Someone better, we would always go about our daily activities without even stopping to think about others! It had always been US! We really enjoyed what we did together. Whatever we wanted, we would just go ahead and do it! Which ever girl we laid our eyes on, we would discuss strategies on how we could get hold of a place in her heart! We had our fun! We really did! If you were to ask me, I would say that he was my Best-est Friend! My laughing partner, a buddy and a forever obliging shopping companion!
But of late, we have been quarrelling frequently... We just can't seem to see eye to eye on ALOT of matters! This is really frustrating! I hate the fact that someone whom I grew up with can no longer understand me! He can no longer anticipate what I want to do next. In fact, he has always been asking me to accommodate him! I really had enough! He and his nonsense, his stupid excuses! He really has thousand and one ways of justifying his wants! What about my wants? Don't I have a life? As you can see, things are not running smoothly in this relationship. Waves are starting to turn into tsunamis... Rain drops are transforming into hailstorms... even the walls are falling apart!
You may think that we can compromise but we tried that... Ever heard of “Been there, done that, bought a T-shirt, taken a photograph!" It is just not going to work. It is either him or me! I don't think we can co-exist! If I want my kind of life then he is not going to be in the picture! We are mutually exclusive! Gone are the days where we enjoyed each other's company. My grip on our "funs" of the past is loosening... Someone is pulling me away from him. Someone I cannot resist. Someone who loves me more than him! Someone who is even willing to sacrifice for me... I hope I am not been heartless. I believe that there must come a time when we must part.
As I am writing this, he is here... looking at it while I am typing. How awkward and weird can that be? Tears start to form in his eyes... and I can see that he is agitated. However, I am surprised that I am nonchalant! This is the first time I am feeling so unconcerned about wanting to let go of a relationship that had so many memories! I used to wail when a girl whom my heart wants to be with, thinks that we should not be together anymore because I am too quiet for her. I really hated those moments... I could have filled numerous of buckets with my tears! Who says that man does not cry? We do! In our own private world, we will cry and shout! We will bang the walls of our castle! We will even chop of the trees in our garden!! I admit that sometimes, we even sob like babies! That is who we are... M-A-N!
This time round, it is so different. Everything is so serene! Instead, I am looking forward to the days without him, my long time sidekick; a childhood friend. This is one relationship which I think is long overdue. Moulds are starting to form and a stench can be smelled miles away! You may think that I will regret! You may think that I am losing someone who knows me best, someone who knows exactly what I always want! On that, I can safely beseech you to trust in my judgments! Yes... for once, I am really confident that the absent of him will indeed make my life a heaven on earth! No more screams down my ear drum! No more pulling of my hair! I don't to be a tag-along anymore! Now, I can wander on the path that is already in front of me... one that was mapped out for me even before I make this decision to go down that path! You may think that I will be lonely without! Ha! That is one thing that did not cross my mind!
I am free now! Walking down this path where in front of me lays beautiful flowers, trees that are gigantic and a light that is shining so brightly at the end of the road. Now is the time, I am letting his hand off me completely. I am not sorry for doing that. I love him too much to want to hang on to him! He got to go now. We are not two and not one. It is official! Goodbye my flesh! We did have our "fun" but my definition for fun has really changed! You are no longer the source of my joy... Please respect my decision and stop clinging on to me... Let me build my new world with my Savior, One who cares about how I feel and One who truly understands me! Don't worry. I am in good hands. Just to assure you, the devil is going to be His footstool soon, so just cheer up and release me for my good! I am running without you anymore! Goodbye...
I can't believe that these three words are coming out from my mouth... Especially to someone who is SO close to me... someone who was always there when I was down; someone who shared my joy together with me! We laughed together, cried together, man... we even dream together!
During our happier days, before I met Someone better, we would always go about our daily activities without even stopping to think about others! It had always been US! We really enjoyed what we did together. Whatever we wanted, we would just go ahead and do it! Which ever girl we laid our eyes on, we would discuss strategies on how we could get hold of a place in her heart! We had our fun! We really did! If you were to ask me, I would say that he was my Best-est Friend! My laughing partner, a buddy and a forever obliging shopping companion!
But of late, we have been quarrelling frequently... We just can't seem to see eye to eye on ALOT of matters! This is really frustrating! I hate the fact that someone whom I grew up with can no longer understand me! He can no longer anticipate what I want to do next. In fact, he has always been asking me to accommodate him! I really had enough! He and his nonsense, his stupid excuses! He really has thousand and one ways of justifying his wants! What about my wants? Don't I have a life? As you can see, things are not running smoothly in this relationship. Waves are starting to turn into tsunamis... Rain drops are transforming into hailstorms... even the walls are falling apart!
You may think that we can compromise but we tried that... Ever heard of “Been there, done that, bought a T-shirt, taken a photograph!" It is just not going to work. It is either him or me! I don't think we can co-exist! If I want my kind of life then he is not going to be in the picture! We are mutually exclusive! Gone are the days where we enjoyed each other's company. My grip on our "funs" of the past is loosening... Someone is pulling me away from him. Someone I cannot resist. Someone who loves me more than him! Someone who is even willing to sacrifice for me... I hope I am not been heartless. I believe that there must come a time when we must part.
As I am writing this, he is here... looking at it while I am typing. How awkward and weird can that be? Tears start to form in his eyes... and I can see that he is agitated. However, I am surprised that I am nonchalant! This is the first time I am feeling so unconcerned about wanting to let go of a relationship that had so many memories! I used to wail when a girl whom my heart wants to be with, thinks that we should not be together anymore because I am too quiet for her. I really hated those moments... I could have filled numerous of buckets with my tears! Who says that man does not cry? We do! In our own private world, we will cry and shout! We will bang the walls of our castle! We will even chop of the trees in our garden!! I admit that sometimes, we even sob like babies! That is who we are... M-A-N!
This time round, it is so different. Everything is so serene! Instead, I am looking forward to the days without him, my long time sidekick; a childhood friend. This is one relationship which I think is long overdue. Moulds are starting to form and a stench can be smelled miles away! You may think that I will regret! You may think that I am losing someone who knows me best, someone who knows exactly what I always want! On that, I can safely beseech you to trust in my judgments! Yes... for once, I am really confident that the absent of him will indeed make my life a heaven on earth! No more screams down my ear drum! No more pulling of my hair! I don't to be a tag-along anymore! Now, I can wander on the path that is already in front of me... one that was mapped out for me even before I make this decision to go down that path! You may think that I will be lonely without! Ha! That is one thing that did not cross my mind!
I am free now! Walking down this path where in front of me lays beautiful flowers, trees that are gigantic and a light that is shining so brightly at the end of the road. Now is the time, I am letting his hand off me completely. I am not sorry for doing that. I love him too much to want to hang on to him! He got to go now. We are not two and not one. It is official! Goodbye my flesh! We did have our "fun" but my definition for fun has really changed! You are no longer the source of my joy... Please respect my decision and stop clinging on to me... Let me build my new world with my Savior, One who cares about how I feel and One who truly understands me! Don't worry. I am in good hands. Just to assure you, the devil is going to be His footstool soon, so just cheer up and release me for my good! I am running without you anymore! Goodbye...
Enough is enough!
I can't believe that these three words are coming out from my mouth... Especially to someone who is SO close to me... someone who was always there when I was down; someone who shared my joy together with me! We laughed together, cried together, man... we even dream together!
During our happier days, before I met Someone better, we would always go about our daily activities without even stopping to think about others! It had always been US! We really enjoyed what we did together. Whatever we wanted, we would just go ahead and do it! Which ever girl we laid our eyes on, we would discuss strategies on how we could get hold of a place in her heart! We had our fun! We really did! If you were to ask me, I would say that he was my Best-est Friend! My laughing partner, a buddy and a forever obliging shopping companion!
But of late, we have been quarrelling frequently... We just can't seem to see eye to eye on ALOT of matters! This is really frustrating! I hate the fact that someone whom I grew up with can no longer understand me! He can no longer anticipate what I want to do next. In fact, he has always been asking me to accommodate him! I really had enough! He and his nonsense, his stupid excuses! He really has thousand and one ways of justifying his wants! What about my wants? Don't I have a life? As you can see, things are not running smoothly in this relationship. Waves are starting to turn into tsunamis... Rain drops are transforming into hailstorms... even the walls are falling apart!
You may think that we can compromise but we tried that... Ever heard of “Been there, done that, bought a T-shirt, taken a photograph!" It is just not going to work. It is either him or me! I don't think we can co-exist! If I want my kind of life then he is not going to be in the picture! We are mutually exclusive! Gone are the days where we enjoyed each other's company. My grip on our "funs" of the past is loosening... Someone is pulling me away from him. Someone I cannot resist. Someone who loves me more than him! Someone who is even willing to sacrifice for me... I hope I am not been heartless. I believe that there must come a time when we must part.
As I am writing this, he is here... looking at it while I am typing. How awkward and weird can that be? Tears start to form in his eyes... and I can see that he is agitated. However, I am surprised that I am nonchalant! This is the first time I am feeling so unconcerned about wanting to let go of a relationship that had so many memories! I used to wail when a girl whom my heart wants to be with, thinks that we should not be together anymore because I am too quiet for her. I really hated those moments... I could have filled numerous of buckets with my tears! Who says that man does not cry? We do! In our own private world, we will cry and shout! We will bang the walls of our castle! We will even chop of the trees in our garden!! I admit that sometimes, we even sob like babies! That is who we are... M-A-N!
This time round, it is so different. Everything is so serene! Instead, I am looking forward to the days without him, my long time sidekick; a childhood friend. This is one relationship which I think is long overdue. Moulds are starting to form and a stench can be smelled miles away! You may think that I will regret! You may think that I am losing someone who knows me best, someone who knows exactly what I always want! On that, I can safely beseech you to trust in my judgments! Yes... for once, I am really confident that the absent of him will indeed make my life a heaven on earth! No more screams down my ear drum! No more pulling of my hair! I don't to be a tag-along anymore! Now, I can wander on the path that is already in front of me... one that was mapped out for me even before I make this decision to go down that path! You may think that I will be lonely without! Ha! That is one thing that did not cross my mind!
I am free now! Walking down this path where in front of me lays beautiful flowers, trees that are gigantic and a light that is shining so brightly at the end of the road. Now is the time, I am letting his hand off me completely. I am not sorry for doing that. I love him too much to want to hang on to him! He got to go now. We are not two and not one. It is official! Goodbye my flesh! We did have our "fun" but my definition for fun has really changed! You are no longer the source of my joy... Please respect my decision and stop clinging on to me... Let me build my new world with my Savior, One who cares about how I feel and One who truly understands me! Don't worry. I am in good hands. Just to assure you, the devil is going to be His footstool soon, so just cheer up and release me for my good! I am running without you anymore! Goodbye...
I can't believe that these three words are coming out from my mouth... Especially to someone who is SO close to me... someone who was always there when I was down; someone who shared my joy together with me! We laughed together, cried together, man... we even dream together!
During our happier days, before I met Someone better, we would always go about our daily activities without even stopping to think about others! It had always been US! We really enjoyed what we did together. Whatever we wanted, we would just go ahead and do it! Which ever girl we laid our eyes on, we would discuss strategies on how we could get hold of a place in her heart! We had our fun! We really did! If you were to ask me, I would say that he was my Best-est Friend! My laughing partner, a buddy and a forever obliging shopping companion!
But of late, we have been quarrelling frequently... We just can't seem to see eye to eye on ALOT of matters! This is really frustrating! I hate the fact that someone whom I grew up with can no longer understand me! He can no longer anticipate what I want to do next. In fact, he has always been asking me to accommodate him! I really had enough! He and his nonsense, his stupid excuses! He really has thousand and one ways of justifying his wants! What about my wants? Don't I have a life? As you can see, things are not running smoothly in this relationship. Waves are starting to turn into tsunamis... Rain drops are transforming into hailstorms... even the walls are falling apart!
You may think that we can compromise but we tried that... Ever heard of “Been there, done that, bought a T-shirt, taken a photograph!" It is just not going to work. It is either him or me! I don't think we can co-exist! If I want my kind of life then he is not going to be in the picture! We are mutually exclusive! Gone are the days where we enjoyed each other's company. My grip on our "funs" of the past is loosening... Someone is pulling me away from him. Someone I cannot resist. Someone who loves me more than him! Someone who is even willing to sacrifice for me... I hope I am not been heartless. I believe that there must come a time when we must part.
As I am writing this, he is here... looking at it while I am typing. How awkward and weird can that be? Tears start to form in his eyes... and I can see that he is agitated. However, I am surprised that I am nonchalant! This is the first time I am feeling so unconcerned about wanting to let go of a relationship that had so many memories! I used to wail when a girl whom my heart wants to be with, thinks that we should not be together anymore because I am too quiet for her. I really hated those moments... I could have filled numerous of buckets with my tears! Who says that man does not cry? We do! In our own private world, we will cry and shout! We will bang the walls of our castle! We will even chop of the trees in our garden!! I admit that sometimes, we even sob like babies! That is who we are... M-A-N!
This time round, it is so different. Everything is so serene! Instead, I am looking forward to the days without him, my long time sidekick; a childhood friend. This is one relationship which I think is long overdue. Moulds are starting to form and a stench can be smelled miles away! You may think that I will regret! You may think that I am losing someone who knows me best, someone who knows exactly what I always want! On that, I can safely beseech you to trust in my judgments! Yes... for once, I am really confident that the absent of him will indeed make my life a heaven on earth! No more screams down my ear drum! No more pulling of my hair! I don't to be a tag-along anymore! Now, I can wander on the path that is already in front of me... one that was mapped out for me even before I make this decision to go down that path! You may think that I will be lonely without! Ha! That is one thing that did not cross my mind!
I am free now! Walking down this path where in front of me lays beautiful flowers, trees that are gigantic and a light that is shining so brightly at the end of the road. Now is the time, I am letting his hand off me completely. I am not sorry for doing that. I love him too much to want to hang on to him! He got to go now. We are not two and not one. It is official! Goodbye my flesh! We did have our "fun" but my definition for fun has really changed! You are no longer the source of my joy... Please respect my decision and stop clinging on to me... Let me build my new world with my Savior, One who cares about how I feel and One who truly understands me! Don't worry. I am in good hands. Just to assure you, the devil is going to be His footstool soon, so just cheer up and release me for my good! I am running without you anymore! Goodbye...
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Ups and Downs
Life's sweet?
Life's smooth?
Life's beautiful?
Life's meaningful?
I have really been pondering on these questions lately. What is wrong with me? I must have lost focus somewhere - career, relationships, or perhaps God? I really wonder why it is so easy for us to mis-focus on something that is so simple yet complicated. God's love is like the wind; invisible but tangible. How then can I lose focus on something so wonderful and sweet?
I reckon that sometimes, I am trying too hard to walk in the light. Walking in truth and love could be a such a simple task if only we know how to. I guess that I have been too conscious about my actions, the things I do and the stuff that exits from my mouth. Once again, trying to attain HOLINESS on my own strength and might. How hard it is and how vain can I be? Am I trying too hard? If so, I just want to be a good son to a WONDERFUL Father, the Father of the UNIVERSE! What is wrong with that?!?
I have really pondered and prayed about. I really want to live a life that is separated to Him. After almost 3 years of experiencing His tangible presence, my soul could no longer stand the dirt that always fall upon me. Have you ever wonder why your television gets dusty the next day after your spring cleaning? Because dirt is everywhere! This world is so dusty and dirty! How then can I be kept pure from the dirt of the world. I am sure that I, myself will not be able to stay dirt-free for ONE day! I am not sure if anyone can achieve that! Dirty as I wakes up. Muddier as the day passes by.
The more I tried to consciously stay dirt-free, the more frustrated I become! I am like a hygiene freak. "Yucks! Dirt!!!... Better blow it away!" Phew..... I am so tired! I give up! Suddenly, something gentle just surged through my body and this gentle, smoothing sensation began to refresh my soul and comfort my spirit! "Let the weak say I am stong!" Wow... I have really given up on myself to stay pure but it is now that He can really work for me. All along, He had always wanted to help me stand in the gap, to pull my worlds together... but time and time again, I snatched it away from Him and tells Him that I can handle it... I can stay pure; I can work and earn my righteousness... How foolish can I be?
I started out knowing that "it is not by might, nor power but by His Spirit." Now, this! Haha... Man... I am really weak and impaired. It is such a simple instruction but still... I failed! I am indeed a broken vessel... one that leaks every now and then. Nothing can be poured into me. Wow... I cannot even do such a simple thing. But thank God that there is something call GRACE. It is like a sticky gooey stuff that fills in the gaps of this broken vessel. I used to be HOLEY... but now I can be HOLY! Praise God. Lord, please teach me how to not try to do everything by myself! I am truly aware of my disability, please help me! Indeed, by Your Spirit, make me WHOLE once again. I do not want to condemn my own soul by living legalistically! Teach me Your ways. I want to sense Your presence daily, sensitize my soul; soften my heart, one that follows after you!
Life's smooth?
Life's beautiful?
Life's meaningful?
I have really been pondering on these questions lately. What is wrong with me? I must have lost focus somewhere - career, relationships, or perhaps God? I really wonder why it is so easy for us to mis-focus on something that is so simple yet complicated. God's love is like the wind; invisible but tangible. How then can I lose focus on something so wonderful and sweet?
I reckon that sometimes, I am trying too hard to walk in the light. Walking in truth and love could be a such a simple task if only we know how to. I guess that I have been too conscious about my actions, the things I do and the stuff that exits from my mouth. Once again, trying to attain HOLINESS on my own strength and might. How hard it is and how vain can I be? Am I trying too hard? If so, I just want to be a good son to a WONDERFUL Father, the Father of the UNIVERSE! What is wrong with that?!?
I have really pondered and prayed about. I really want to live a life that is separated to Him. After almost 3 years of experiencing His tangible presence, my soul could no longer stand the dirt that always fall upon me. Have you ever wonder why your television gets dusty the next day after your spring cleaning? Because dirt is everywhere! This world is so dusty and dirty! How then can I be kept pure from the dirt of the world. I am sure that I, myself will not be able to stay dirt-free for ONE day! I am not sure if anyone can achieve that! Dirty as I wakes up. Muddier as the day passes by.
The more I tried to consciously stay dirt-free, the more frustrated I become! I am like a hygiene freak. "Yucks! Dirt!!!... Better blow it away!" Phew..... I am so tired! I give up! Suddenly, something gentle just surged through my body and this gentle, smoothing sensation began to refresh my soul and comfort my spirit! "Let the weak say I am stong!" Wow... I have really given up on myself to stay pure but it is now that He can really work for me. All along, He had always wanted to help me stand in the gap, to pull my worlds together... but time and time again, I snatched it away from Him and tells Him that I can handle it... I can stay pure; I can work and earn my righteousness... How foolish can I be?
I started out knowing that "it is not by might, nor power but by His Spirit." Now, this! Haha... Man... I am really weak and impaired. It is such a simple instruction but still... I failed! I am indeed a broken vessel... one that leaks every now and then. Nothing can be poured into me. Wow... I cannot even do such a simple thing. But thank God that there is something call GRACE. It is like a sticky gooey stuff that fills in the gaps of this broken vessel. I used to be HOLEY... but now I can be HOLY! Praise God. Lord, please teach me how to not try to do everything by myself! I am truly aware of my disability, please help me! Indeed, by Your Spirit, make me WHOLE once again. I do not want to condemn my own soul by living legalistically! Teach me Your ways. I want to sense Your presence daily, sensitize my soul; soften my heart, one that follows after you!
Ups and Downs
Life's sweet?
Life's smooth?
Life's beautiful?
Life's meaningful?
I have really been pondering on these questions lately. What is wrong with me? I must have lost focus somewhere - career, relationships, or perhaps God? I really wonder why it is so easy for us to mis-focus on something that is so simple yet complicated. God's love is like the wind; invisible but tangible. How then can I lose focus on something so wonderful and sweet?
I reckon that sometimes, I am trying too hard to walk in the light. Walking in truth and love could be a such a simple task if only we know how to. I guess that I have been too conscious about my actions, the things I do and the stuff that exits from my mouth. Once again, trying to attain HOLINESS on my own strength and might. How hard it is and how vain can I be? Am I trying too hard? If so, I just want to be a good son to a WONDERFUL Father, the Father of the UNIVERSE! What is wrong with that?!?
I have really pondered and prayed about. I really want to live a life that is separated to Him. After almost 3 years of experiencing His tangible presence, my soul could no longer stand the dirt that always fall upon me. Have you ever wonder why your television gets dusty the next day after your spring cleaning? Because dirt is everywhere! This world is so dusty and dirty! How then can I be kept pure from the dirt of the world. I am sure that I, myself will not be able to stay dirt-free for ONE day! I am not sure if anyone can achieve that! Dirty as I wakes up. Muddier as the day passes by.
The more I tried to consciously stay dirt-free, the more frustrated I become! I am like a hygiene freak. "Yucks! Dirt!!!... Better blow it away!" Phew..... I am so tired! I give up! Suddenly, something gentle just surged through my body and this gentle, smoothing sensation began to refresh my soul and comfort my spirit! "Let the weak say I am stong!" Wow... I have really given up on myself to stay pure but it is now that He can really work for me. All along, He had always wanted to help me stand in the gap, to pull my worlds together... but time and time again, I snatched it away from Him and tells Him that I can handle it... I can stay pure; I can work and earn my righteousness... How foolish can I be?
I started out knowing that "it is not by might, nor power but by His Spirit." Now, this! Haha... Man... I am really weak and impaired. It is such a simple instruction but still... I failed! I am indeed a broken vessel... one that leaks every now and then. Nothing can be poured into me. Wow... I cannot even do such a simple thing. But thank God that there is something call GRACE. It is like a sticky gooey stuff that fills in the gaps of this broken vessel. I used to be HOLEY... but now I can be HOLY! Praise God. Lord, please teach me how to not try to do everything by myself! I am truly aware of my disability, please help me! Indeed, by Your Spirit, make me WHOLE once again. I do not want to condemn my own soul by living legalistically! Teach me Your ways. I want to sense Your presence daily, sensitize my soul; soften my heart, one that follows after you!
Life's smooth?
Life's beautiful?
Life's meaningful?
I have really been pondering on these questions lately. What is wrong with me? I must have lost focus somewhere - career, relationships, or perhaps God? I really wonder why it is so easy for us to mis-focus on something that is so simple yet complicated. God's love is like the wind; invisible but tangible. How then can I lose focus on something so wonderful and sweet?
I reckon that sometimes, I am trying too hard to walk in the light. Walking in truth and love could be a such a simple task if only we know how to. I guess that I have been too conscious about my actions, the things I do and the stuff that exits from my mouth. Once again, trying to attain HOLINESS on my own strength and might. How hard it is and how vain can I be? Am I trying too hard? If so, I just want to be a good son to a WONDERFUL Father, the Father of the UNIVERSE! What is wrong with that?!?
I have really pondered and prayed about. I really want to live a life that is separated to Him. After almost 3 years of experiencing His tangible presence, my soul could no longer stand the dirt that always fall upon me. Have you ever wonder why your television gets dusty the next day after your spring cleaning? Because dirt is everywhere! This world is so dusty and dirty! How then can I be kept pure from the dirt of the world. I am sure that I, myself will not be able to stay dirt-free for ONE day! I am not sure if anyone can achieve that! Dirty as I wakes up. Muddier as the day passes by.
The more I tried to consciously stay dirt-free, the more frustrated I become! I am like a hygiene freak. "Yucks! Dirt!!!... Better blow it away!" Phew..... I am so tired! I give up! Suddenly, something gentle just surged through my body and this gentle, smoothing sensation began to refresh my soul and comfort my spirit! "Let the weak say I am stong!" Wow... I have really given up on myself to stay pure but it is now that He can really work for me. All along, He had always wanted to help me stand in the gap, to pull my worlds together... but time and time again, I snatched it away from Him and tells Him that I can handle it... I can stay pure; I can work and earn my righteousness... How foolish can I be?
I started out knowing that "it is not by might, nor power but by His Spirit." Now, this! Haha... Man... I am really weak and impaired. It is such a simple instruction but still... I failed! I am indeed a broken vessel... one that leaks every now and then. Nothing can be poured into me. Wow... I cannot even do such a simple thing. But thank God that there is something call GRACE. It is like a sticky gooey stuff that fills in the gaps of this broken vessel. I used to be HOLEY... but now I can be HOLY! Praise God. Lord, please teach me how to not try to do everything by myself! I am truly aware of my disability, please help me! Indeed, by Your Spirit, make me WHOLE once again. I do not want to condemn my own soul by living legalistically! Teach me Your ways. I want to sense Your presence daily, sensitize my soul; soften my heart, one that follows after you!
You have a ticket to heaven no thief can take,
an eternal home no divorce can break.
Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea.
Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree.
You're blood-bought and heaven made.
A child of God - forever saved.
Max Lucado "A Love Worth Giving"
an eternal home no divorce can break.
Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea.
Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree.
You're blood-bought and heaven made.
A child of God - forever saved.
Max Lucado "A Love Worth Giving"
You have a ticket to heaven no thief can take,
an eternal home no divorce can break.
Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea.
Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree.
You're blood-bought and heaven made.
A child of God - forever saved.
Max Lucado "A Love Worth Giving"
an eternal home no divorce can break.
Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea.
Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree.
You're blood-bought and heaven made.
A child of God - forever saved.
Max Lucado "A Love Worth Giving"
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