Friday, February 04, 2005

How wonderful God moves...

I have really been sharing so much about wanting to follow God, to live in His ways... learning how to be closer to Him! Guess what? God brought a powerful preacher to service this week, to share on a message that really blew me off! It was really God speaking to me... How wonderful is He! The way He uses people to touch lives! Praise God for His thoughts are highers than ours!

I believe tonight is indeed a gateway to the next level in my life. Praise God! Praises all to Him! You got to get hold Rev. John Bevere's CD titled "Drawing Near." I just got one; walking out of church knowing that I have just got a great investment on hand! The following weeks are going to be truly blessed! Cannot imagine how my life is going to change... letting God move me and mould me through Rev. Bevere's materials. He is one humble man... He is indeed one of my favourite preacher! Praise God for rising up godly man... man who are after His own heart... humble people! Praise God!

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