Sunday, October 23, 2005
Newest member to the FAMILY!
Haha... yes! the title can be misleading! If you think that my mum has given birth, you are WRONG! haha... the newest member to our NG FAMILY is a RABBIT! haha.. yes! you have heard me... a netherland dwarf! my bro has given him/her a name. oh.. for your info, I do not know its sex! haha... anyway, his/her name is NOVA! :) COol eh? we are definitely having a lot of fun with this new cutie now! let's hope it is not short-lived! Hahaha... Oh! here is a pic of it... I mean him/her!

Newest member to the FAMILY!
Haha... yes! the title can be misleading! If you think that my mum has given birth, you are WRONG! haha... the newest member to our NG FAMILY is a RABBIT! haha.. yes! you have heard me... a netherland dwarf! my bro has given him/her a name. oh.. for your info, I do not know its sex! haha... anyway, his/her name is NOVA! :) COol eh? we are definitely having a lot of fun with this new cutie now! let's hope it is not short-lived! Hahaha... Oh! here is a pic of it... I mean him/her!

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Emotions: The GOOD and The BAD
Firstly, I just want to thank God that He has made us to be emotional creatures. Without that, we will not be able to experience love, gratitude, and many others. However, just like every other things... there are opposites. As there are good emotions, there are certainly undesirable ones! However, this make us unique and UNPREDICTABLE! We are different from the animal kingdom where SCIENTIST can learn how an animal will react and it will do in a particular situation. For us, human beings, scientisit can claim all they want but seriously, we do not have a fixed pattern for every single one. Everyone will react different to a similar situation.
Just yesterday, I went through the dark trenchs of emotion. Something happened, obviously. I came to know of a particular thing and, to be honest, it was something that was special to me. That thing was a she and this she is someone I really like but was in more than one ways, incompatible. We have talked about it and have decided to move on. However, just like I have mentioned that emotions can be good, they can get rather STICKY sometimes! I have tried to let it go and I guess bits of it has left. Anyway, I knew that it was hard for us to be together.
Then yesterday, as I was preparing to leave for work, I decided to surf around Friendster. I was just browsing through Friendster and I saw that she had updated her profile. Out of curiousity, I decided to check it out. As it turns out, she changed her status to "In a Relationship." At that point in time, I was still fine. Did not think much about it. In fact, I was happy for her! :)
About an hour passed, I was sitting in front of my computer in my office, going through my normal routine. Answering E-MAILs! Then sudddenly, I noticed that my handphone has litted up. I took it and found out that I have received a message. Pressed a few buttons and the message loaded. It was from her, the girl whom I have just visited in Friendster earlier on. She asked me how I am and informed me that she is officially attached. It was at this particular moment that I went out of control. I did not know what hit me! I was still happy for her. However, my emotions took a dip and I landed without knowing that I just had a long, long dip down into its trenches. That fall was painful. I replied her and wished her all the best. Soon, I became bitter and I hated LOVE. It all happened in a matter of minutes. - -"
Though I already knew that we will not be together and have already chosen to push her out of my heart, it still hurts like mad! I began to conjure up with phrases like " Love is to give and sometimes, it hurts so much that you want to think twice before giving." Okay... this is not exactly due to the fact that she is attached. Another factor, which may have contributed this ticket to the trenches, is that I currently like a girl now. It kind of made me feel that love is just a STUPID game. You will like someone and that someone may not like you. However, there may be another one whom will like you but you will never like that someone. I became a bit cynical and for the whole of yesterday, I was really disturbed by it.
I hated love and I hated the fact that no matter how much you may want to give to a person, she may not even be with you. Yes, according to the truth, love is to give and not expecting anything back. But let's be more practical and honest, we do expect that at least we can be with the person whom we are giving to, because we like that person. Bitterness started to fill my heart and I really wanted to STOP loving! At that point in time, I hated love in its entirety! Every single bit of it. It really ruined my whole day. I was depressed and moody at work, at gym after work and during supper, after gym! Throughout the day, I was having a few brief periods of spasm! I was swearing within me and this really shocked me! Haha... I have not being so emotionally charged for a while and I was shocked that I was totally uncontrollable. Thank God for a good friend whom I have in my office. I shared with him and he encouraged me.
When I reached home, I was bitter to the brim! All the negative emotions were welling inside of me! I was angry; I was bitter; I was hopeless; I was basically negative. I decided to worship God. I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song. Then, I took out a worship DVD and started worshipping God, immersing in His presence. This lifted some of the emotions (bad). I followed with communicating this load of emotions to God. I prayed that He will help me share this burden, to ease my load. I have to say that it was good. When I woke up this morning, I was renewed and recharged. I no longer feel so negative about loving. It just feels good to be out of the trenches. Definitely, we will go through emotional highs and lows and this is what makes it all SO INTERESTING! Haha... It really colours my life. Though it may hurt and I was definitely shocked with what happend to me yesterday. But I am glad that it did too! I mean, to see it in a the cup is half full perspective, at least I got the chance to experience love. Love is giving and sometimes it does really hurt! God loves us and sent His only Son to die for us on the cross! It hurts Him to see His Son crucified! Thank God for walking with me and for carrying me!
I am amused by all that has happened. Sure, we may think that we can handle a certain situation when it comes but then again, when it hits you, we may not be able to handle it in the way we wanted to! Expected events, as in I know that she will get attached one day, but unexpected reactions. I did not know that it can really affect me so much! To love is definitely good. I could have posted an entry yesterday and ranted on how sucky love is. But in reality, love is definitely the sweetest things on earth!
Love brings you to places in your emotions you have never been to and love brings out the real you, you never thought you are, both the good and the bad. I will definitely cherish love and learn how to love, to give and to cherish. Praise God for love. Let me end with this poem (not by me). It talks about how unexpected things can happen during the day but it is how we get ourselves prepared before going into the day. Love it very much!
I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me
and heavier came each task.
'Why doesn't God help me?' I wondered,
He anwsered, 'You didn't ask.'
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on gray and bleak,
I wondered why God didn't show me,
He said, 'You didn't seek.'
I tried to come into God's presence,
I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
'My child, you didn't knock.'
I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish,
thatI had to take time to pray.
Just yesterday, I went through the dark trenchs of emotion. Something happened, obviously. I came to know of a particular thing and, to be honest, it was something that was special to me. That thing was a she and this she is someone I really like but was in more than one ways, incompatible. We have talked about it and have decided to move on. However, just like I have mentioned that emotions can be good, they can get rather STICKY sometimes! I have tried to let it go and I guess bits of it has left. Anyway, I knew that it was hard for us to be together.
Then yesterday, as I was preparing to leave for work, I decided to surf around Friendster. I was just browsing through Friendster and I saw that she had updated her profile. Out of curiousity, I decided to check it out. As it turns out, she changed her status to "In a Relationship." At that point in time, I was still fine. Did not think much about it. In fact, I was happy for her! :)
About an hour passed, I was sitting in front of my computer in my office, going through my normal routine. Answering E-MAILs! Then sudddenly, I noticed that my handphone has litted up. I took it and found out that I have received a message. Pressed a few buttons and the message loaded. It was from her, the girl whom I have just visited in Friendster earlier on. She asked me how I am and informed me that she is officially attached. It was at this particular moment that I went out of control. I did not know what hit me! I was still happy for her. However, my emotions took a dip and I landed without knowing that I just had a long, long dip down into its trenches. That fall was painful. I replied her and wished her all the best. Soon, I became bitter and I hated LOVE. It all happened in a matter of minutes. - -"
Though I already knew that we will not be together and have already chosen to push her out of my heart, it still hurts like mad! I began to conjure up with phrases like " Love is to give and sometimes, it hurts so much that you want to think twice before giving." Okay... this is not exactly due to the fact that she is attached. Another factor, which may have contributed this ticket to the trenches, is that I currently like a girl now. It kind of made me feel that love is just a STUPID game. You will like someone and that someone may not like you. However, there may be another one whom will like you but you will never like that someone. I became a bit cynical and for the whole of yesterday, I was really disturbed by it.
I hated love and I hated the fact that no matter how much you may want to give to a person, she may not even be with you. Yes, according to the truth, love is to give and not expecting anything back. But let's be more practical and honest, we do expect that at least we can be with the person whom we are giving to, because we like that person. Bitterness started to fill my heart and I really wanted to STOP loving! At that point in time, I hated love in its entirety! Every single bit of it. It really ruined my whole day. I was depressed and moody at work, at gym after work and during supper, after gym! Throughout the day, I was having a few brief periods of spasm! I was swearing within me and this really shocked me! Haha... I have not being so emotionally charged for a while and I was shocked that I was totally uncontrollable. Thank God for a good friend whom I have in my office. I shared with him and he encouraged me.
When I reached home, I was bitter to the brim! All the negative emotions were welling inside of me! I was angry; I was bitter; I was hopeless; I was basically negative. I decided to worship God. I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song. Then, I took out a worship DVD and started worshipping God, immersing in His presence. This lifted some of the emotions (bad). I followed with communicating this load of emotions to God. I prayed that He will help me share this burden, to ease my load. I have to say that it was good. When I woke up this morning, I was renewed and recharged. I no longer feel so negative about loving. It just feels good to be out of the trenches. Definitely, we will go through emotional highs and lows and this is what makes it all SO INTERESTING! Haha... It really colours my life. Though it may hurt and I was definitely shocked with what happend to me yesterday. But I am glad that it did too! I mean, to see it in a the cup is half full perspective, at least I got the chance to experience love. Love is giving and sometimes it does really hurt! God loves us and sent His only Son to die for us on the cross! It hurts Him to see His Son crucified! Thank God for walking with me and for carrying me!
I am amused by all that has happened. Sure, we may think that we can handle a certain situation when it comes but then again, when it hits you, we may not be able to handle it in the way we wanted to! Expected events, as in I know that she will get attached one day, but unexpected reactions. I did not know that it can really affect me so much! To love is definitely good. I could have posted an entry yesterday and ranted on how sucky love is. But in reality, love is definitely the sweetest things on earth!
Love brings you to places in your emotions you have never been to and love brings out the real you, you never thought you are, both the good and the bad. I will definitely cherish love and learn how to love, to give and to cherish. Praise God for love. Let me end with this poem (not by me). It talks about how unexpected things can happen during the day but it is how we get ourselves prepared before going into the day. Love it very much!
I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me
and heavier came each task.
'Why doesn't God help me?' I wondered,
He anwsered, 'You didn't ask.'
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on gray and bleak,
I wondered why God didn't show me,
He said, 'You didn't seek.'
I tried to come into God's presence,
I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
'My child, you didn't knock.'
I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish,
thatI had to take time to pray.
Emotions: The GOOD and The BAD
Firstly, I just want to thank God that He has made us to be emotional creatures. Without that, we will not be able to experience love, gratitude, and many others. However, just like every other things... there are opposites. As there are good emotions, there are certainly undesirable ones! However, this make us unique and UNPREDICTABLE! We are different from the animal kingdom where SCIENTIST can learn how an animal will react and it will do in a particular situation. For us, human beings, scientisit can claim all they want but seriously, we do not have a fixed pattern for every single one. Everyone will react different to a similar situation.
Just yesterday, I went through the dark trenchs of emotion. Something happened, obviously. I came to know of a particular thing and, to be honest, it was something that was special to me. That thing was a she and this she is someone I really like but was in more than one ways, incompatible. We have talked about it and have decided to move on. However, just like I have mentioned that emotions can be good, they can get rather STICKY sometimes! I have tried to let it go and I guess bits of it has left. Anyway, I knew that it was hard for us to be together.
Then yesterday, as I was preparing to leave for work, I decided to surf around Friendster. I was just browsing through Friendster and I saw that she had updated her profile. Out of curiousity, I decided to check it out. As it turns out, she changed her status to "In a Relationship." At that point in time, I was still fine. Did not think much about it. In fact, I was happy for her! :)
About an hour passed, I was sitting in front of my computer in my office, going through my normal routine. Answering E-MAILs! Then sudddenly, I noticed that my handphone has litted up. I took it and found out that I have received a message. Pressed a few buttons and the message loaded. It was from her, the girl whom I have just visited in Friendster earlier on. She asked me how I am and informed me that she is officially attached. It was at this particular moment that I went out of control. I did not know what hit me! I was still happy for her. However, my emotions took a dip and I landed without knowing that I just had a long, long dip down into its trenches. That fall was painful. I replied her and wished her all the best. Soon, I became bitter and I hated LOVE. It all happened in a matter of minutes. - -"
Though I already knew that we will not be together and have already chosen to push her out of my heart, it still hurts like mad! I began to conjure up with phrases like " Love is to give and sometimes, it hurts so much that you want to think twice before giving." Okay... this is not exactly due to the fact that she is attached. Another factor, which may have contributed this ticket to the trenches, is that I currently like a girl now. It kind of made me feel that love is just a STUPID game. You will like someone and that someone may not like you. However, there may be another one whom will like you but you will never like that someone. I became a bit cynical and for the whole of yesterday, I was really disturbed by it.
I hated love and I hated the fact that no matter how much you may want to give to a person, she may not even be with you. Yes, according to the truth, love is to give and not expecting anything back. But let's be more practical and honest, we do expect that at least we can be with the person whom we are giving to, because we like that person. Bitterness started to fill my heart and I really wanted to STOP loving! At that point in time, I hated love in its entirety! Every single bit of it. It really ruined my whole day. I was depressed and moody at work, at gym after work and during supper, after gym! Throughout the day, I was having a few brief periods of spasm! I was swearing within me and this really shocked me! Haha... I have not being so emotionally charged for a while and I was shocked that I was totally uncontrollable. Thank God for a good friend whom I have in my office. I shared with him and he encouraged me.
When I reached home, I was bitter to the brim! All the negative emotions were welling inside of me! I was angry; I was bitter; I was hopeless; I was basically negative. I decided to worship God. I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song. Then, I took out a worship DVD and started worshipping God, immersing in His presence. This lifted some of the emotions (bad). I followed with communicating this load of emotions to God. I prayed that He will help me share this burden, to ease my load. I have to say that it was good. When I woke up this morning, I was renewed and recharged. I no longer feel so negative about loving. It just feels good to be out of the trenches. Definitely, we will go through emotional highs and lows and this is what makes it all SO INTERESTING! Haha... It really colours my life. Though it may hurt and I was definitely shocked with what happend to me yesterday. But I am glad that it did too! I mean, to see it in a the cup is half full perspective, at least I got the chance to experience love. Love is giving and sometimes it does really hurt! God loves us and sent His only Son to die for us on the cross! It hurts Him to see His Son crucified! Thank God for walking with me and for carrying me!
I am amused by all that has happened. Sure, we may think that we can handle a certain situation when it comes but then again, when it hits you, we may not be able to handle it in the way we wanted to! Expected events, as in I know that she will get attached one day, but unexpected reactions. I did not know that it can really affect me so much! To love is definitely good. I could have posted an entry yesterday and ranted on how sucky love is. But in reality, love is definitely the sweetest things on earth!
Love brings you to places in your emotions you have never been to and love brings out the real you, you never thought you are, both the good and the bad. I will definitely cherish love and learn how to love, to give and to cherish. Praise God for love. Let me end with this poem (not by me). It talks about how unexpected things can happen during the day but it is how we get ourselves prepared before going into the day. Love it very much!
I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me
and heavier came each task.
'Why doesn't God help me?' I wondered,
He anwsered, 'You didn't ask.'
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on gray and bleak,
I wondered why God didn't show me,
He said, 'You didn't seek.'
I tried to come into God's presence,
I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
'My child, you didn't knock.'
I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish,
thatI had to take time to pray.
Just yesterday, I went through the dark trenchs of emotion. Something happened, obviously. I came to know of a particular thing and, to be honest, it was something that was special to me. That thing was a she and this she is someone I really like but was in more than one ways, incompatible. We have talked about it and have decided to move on. However, just like I have mentioned that emotions can be good, they can get rather STICKY sometimes! I have tried to let it go and I guess bits of it has left. Anyway, I knew that it was hard for us to be together.
Then yesterday, as I was preparing to leave for work, I decided to surf around Friendster. I was just browsing through Friendster and I saw that she had updated her profile. Out of curiousity, I decided to check it out. As it turns out, she changed her status to "In a Relationship." At that point in time, I was still fine. Did not think much about it. In fact, I was happy for her! :)
About an hour passed, I was sitting in front of my computer in my office, going through my normal routine. Answering E-MAILs! Then sudddenly, I noticed that my handphone has litted up. I took it and found out that I have received a message. Pressed a few buttons and the message loaded. It was from her, the girl whom I have just visited in Friendster earlier on. She asked me how I am and informed me that she is officially attached. It was at this particular moment that I went out of control. I did not know what hit me! I was still happy for her. However, my emotions took a dip and I landed without knowing that I just had a long, long dip down into its trenches. That fall was painful. I replied her and wished her all the best. Soon, I became bitter and I hated LOVE. It all happened in a matter of minutes. - -"
Though I already knew that we will not be together and have already chosen to push her out of my heart, it still hurts like mad! I began to conjure up with phrases like " Love is to give and sometimes, it hurts so much that you want to think twice before giving." Okay... this is not exactly due to the fact that she is attached. Another factor, which may have contributed this ticket to the trenches, is that I currently like a girl now. It kind of made me feel that love is just a STUPID game. You will like someone and that someone may not like you. However, there may be another one whom will like you but you will never like that someone. I became a bit cynical and for the whole of yesterday, I was really disturbed by it.
I hated love and I hated the fact that no matter how much you may want to give to a person, she may not even be with you. Yes, according to the truth, love is to give and not expecting anything back. But let's be more practical and honest, we do expect that at least we can be with the person whom we are giving to, because we like that person. Bitterness started to fill my heart and I really wanted to STOP loving! At that point in time, I hated love in its entirety! Every single bit of it. It really ruined my whole day. I was depressed and moody at work, at gym after work and during supper, after gym! Throughout the day, I was having a few brief periods of spasm! I was swearing within me and this really shocked me! Haha... I have not being so emotionally charged for a while and I was shocked that I was totally uncontrollable. Thank God for a good friend whom I have in my office. I shared with him and he encouraged me.
When I reached home, I was bitter to the brim! All the negative emotions were welling inside of me! I was angry; I was bitter; I was hopeless; I was basically negative. I decided to worship God. I grabbed my guitar and started playing a song. Then, I took out a worship DVD and started worshipping God, immersing in His presence. This lifted some of the emotions (bad). I followed with communicating this load of emotions to God. I prayed that He will help me share this burden, to ease my load. I have to say that it was good. When I woke up this morning, I was renewed and recharged. I no longer feel so negative about loving. It just feels good to be out of the trenches. Definitely, we will go through emotional highs and lows and this is what makes it all SO INTERESTING! Haha... It really colours my life. Though it may hurt and I was definitely shocked with what happend to me yesterday. But I am glad that it did too! I mean, to see it in a the cup is half full perspective, at least I got the chance to experience love. Love is giving and sometimes it does really hurt! God loves us and sent His only Son to die for us on the cross! It hurts Him to see His Son crucified! Thank God for walking with me and for carrying me!
I am amused by all that has happened. Sure, we may think that we can handle a certain situation when it comes but then again, when it hits you, we may not be able to handle it in the way we wanted to! Expected events, as in I know that she will get attached one day, but unexpected reactions. I did not know that it can really affect me so much! To love is definitely good. I could have posted an entry yesterday and ranted on how sucky love is. But in reality, love is definitely the sweetest things on earth!
Love brings you to places in your emotions you have never been to and love brings out the real you, you never thought you are, both the good and the bad. I will definitely cherish love and learn how to love, to give and to cherish. Praise God for love. Let me end with this poem (not by me). It talks about how unexpected things can happen during the day but it is how we get ourselves prepared before going into the day. Love it very much!
I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day.
I had so much to accomplish
that I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me
and heavier came each task.
'Why doesn't God help me?' I wondered,
He anwsered, 'You didn't ask.'
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on gray and bleak,
I wondered why God didn't show me,
He said, 'You didn't seek.'
I tried to come into God's presence,
I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
'My child, you didn't knock.'
I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish,
thatI had to take time to pray.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
May the Spirit leads me...
Have been checking on my blog daily... thinking of what to write. In the past, I would just update about what happened daily in my life. However, nowadays, I have a change of direction and instead having senseless and sometimes useless posts, I rather insert constructive ones. So it happens that today is THE day. Have nothing much to do now... wanna play the guitar but too lazy to pick it up! Ha! So here I am... opening up a new post and see what will flow out from me. I will indeed let the Spirit lead me in this post!
Lately, I have been having too much time... sometimes, not knowing how to use it! Haha... this happens after I stop most of the church activities. I am kinda giving myself a break. A break to think about the things I have been doing for the past 3 years, ever since I joined my church. To be honest, I do not think that I am really that bad now. At least, I have more time and energy to do the things, which I would not even consider doing in the past.
Actually, I have been thinking alot lately. "Bad" is really subjective. Others "bad" may not really be bad for me! I have to come to realise that I do have to change the way I judge myself. This, in itself, is a great test for me! I will always put others views and perspective on myself. Sometimes, too much! Haha... poor man! Having to think that the world is against when in reality, the opposite is true! Haha. Guess my mind is indeed very powerful! Control MY MIND!! :)
I went for service and I have to say that I really missed the peace! Haha... It was great to be able to move away from the world and get myself refreshed and soaked in the peace. It was certainly good. Let me see... I had not attended service for 2 weeks, though I did catch it online. Hmm... the online, though it is good, cannot be compared to the live service! Haha.
Having said that, I really do not know when will I like to commit myself to a cellgroup. At this moment, I really cannot see it happening anytime soon. Who knows. When God touches, your path will indefinitely be altered! haha... Sometimes, away from where you were initiately heading! Haha. Taking a step of faith seems like a milestone to me! Haha... I am keeping my heart open however. To me, I think that there are seasons in life where I really do not have the strength or faith to even take this simple step. There are times when we will be so tired, disillusioned and afraid to take this simple step. One I would take easily in the past. People have their views on how I should make decisions for myself now... how I can get out of this "pit" and the list goes on. I will just have to move on and not be affected so much. I do, however, know that I will solely responsible for every actions that I take. Haha... May sound abit arrogant... but I'm not! :) Haha... So yeah. This is uniquely my part of the journey. I am enjoying every bit of it. This blog will be about every single bit of the journey I am going through. The highs and lows... things for me to reflect back on in due time! Praise God! :)
Lately, I have been having too much time... sometimes, not knowing how to use it! Haha... this happens after I stop most of the church activities. I am kinda giving myself a break. A break to think about the things I have been doing for the past 3 years, ever since I joined my church. To be honest, I do not think that I am really that bad now. At least, I have more time and energy to do the things, which I would not even consider doing in the past.
Actually, I have been thinking alot lately. "Bad" is really subjective. Others "bad" may not really be bad for me! I have to come to realise that I do have to change the way I judge myself. This, in itself, is a great test for me! I will always put others views and perspective on myself. Sometimes, too much! Haha... poor man! Having to think that the world is against when in reality, the opposite is true! Haha. Guess my mind is indeed very powerful! Control MY MIND!! :)
I went for service and I have to say that I really missed the peace! Haha... It was great to be able to move away from the world and get myself refreshed and soaked in the peace. It was certainly good. Let me see... I had not attended service for 2 weeks, though I did catch it online. Hmm... the online, though it is good, cannot be compared to the live service! Haha.
Having said that, I really do not know when will I like to commit myself to a cellgroup. At this moment, I really cannot see it happening anytime soon. Who knows. When God touches, your path will indefinitely be altered! haha... Sometimes, away from where you were initiately heading! Haha. Taking a step of faith seems like a milestone to me! Haha... I am keeping my heart open however. To me, I think that there are seasons in life where I really do not have the strength or faith to even take this simple step. There are times when we will be so tired, disillusioned and afraid to take this simple step. One I would take easily in the past. People have their views on how I should make decisions for myself now... how I can get out of this "pit" and the list goes on. I will just have to move on and not be affected so much. I do, however, know that I will solely responsible for every actions that I take. Haha... May sound abit arrogant... but I'm not! :) Haha... So yeah. This is uniquely my part of the journey. I am enjoying every bit of it. This blog will be about every single bit of the journey I am going through. The highs and lows... things for me to reflect back on in due time! Praise God! :)
May the Spirit leads me...
Have been checking on my blog daily... thinking of what to write. In the past, I would just update about what happened daily in my life. However, nowadays, I have a change of direction and instead having senseless and sometimes useless posts, I rather insert constructive ones. So it happens that today is THE day. Have nothing much to do now... wanna play the guitar but too lazy to pick it up! Ha! So here I am... opening up a new post and see what will flow out from me. I will indeed let the Spirit lead me in this post!
Lately, I have been having too much time... sometimes, not knowing how to use it! Haha... this happens after I stop most of the church activities. I am kinda giving myself a break. A break to think about the things I have been doing for the past 3 years, ever since I joined my church. To be honest, I do not think that I am really that bad now. At least, I have more time and energy to do the things, which I would not even consider doing in the past.
Actually, I have been thinking alot lately. "Bad" is really subjective. Others "bad" may not really be bad for me! I have to come to realise that I do have to change the way I judge myself. This, in itself, is a great test for me! I will always put others views and perspective on myself. Sometimes, too much! Haha... poor man! Having to think that the world is against when in reality, the opposite is true! Haha. Guess my mind is indeed very powerful! Control MY MIND!! :)
I went for service and I have to say that I really missed the peace! Haha... It was great to be able to move away from the world and get myself refreshed and soaked in the peace. It was certainly good. Let me see... I had not attended service for 2 weeks, though I did catch it online. Hmm... the online, though it is good, cannot be compared to the live service! Haha.
Having said that, I really do not know when will I like to commit myself to a cellgroup. At this moment, I really cannot see it happening anytime soon. Who knows. When God touches, your path will indefinitely be altered! haha... Sometimes, away from where you were initiately heading! Haha. Taking a step of faith seems like a milestone to me! Haha... I am keeping my heart open however. To me, I think that there are seasons in life where I really do not have the strength or faith to even take this simple step. There are times when we will be so tired, disillusioned and afraid to take this simple step. One I would take easily in the past. People have their views on how I should make decisions for myself now... how I can get out of this "pit" and the list goes on. I will just have to move on and not be affected so much. I do, however, know that I will solely responsible for every actions that I take. Haha... May sound abit arrogant... but I'm not! :) Haha... So yeah. This is uniquely my part of the journey. I am enjoying every bit of it. This blog will be about every single bit of the journey I am going through. The highs and lows... things for me to reflect back on in due time! Praise God! :)
Lately, I have been having too much time... sometimes, not knowing how to use it! Haha... this happens after I stop most of the church activities. I am kinda giving myself a break. A break to think about the things I have been doing for the past 3 years, ever since I joined my church. To be honest, I do not think that I am really that bad now. At least, I have more time and energy to do the things, which I would not even consider doing in the past.
Actually, I have been thinking alot lately. "Bad" is really subjective. Others "bad" may not really be bad for me! I have to come to realise that I do have to change the way I judge myself. This, in itself, is a great test for me! I will always put others views and perspective on myself. Sometimes, too much! Haha... poor man! Having to think that the world is against when in reality, the opposite is true! Haha. Guess my mind is indeed very powerful! Control MY MIND!! :)
I went for service and I have to say that I really missed the peace! Haha... It was great to be able to move away from the world and get myself refreshed and soaked in the peace. It was certainly good. Let me see... I had not attended service for 2 weeks, though I did catch it online. Hmm... the online, though it is good, cannot be compared to the live service! Haha.
Having said that, I really do not know when will I like to commit myself to a cellgroup. At this moment, I really cannot see it happening anytime soon. Who knows. When God touches, your path will indefinitely be altered! haha... Sometimes, away from where you were initiately heading! Haha. Taking a step of faith seems like a milestone to me! Haha... I am keeping my heart open however. To me, I think that there are seasons in life where I really do not have the strength or faith to even take this simple step. There are times when we will be so tired, disillusioned and afraid to take this simple step. One I would take easily in the past. People have their views on how I should make decisions for myself now... how I can get out of this "pit" and the list goes on. I will just have to move on and not be affected so much. I do, however, know that I will solely responsible for every actions that I take. Haha... May sound abit arrogant... but I'm not! :) Haha... So yeah. This is uniquely my part of the journey. I am enjoying every bit of it. This blog will be about every single bit of the journey I am going through. The highs and lows... things for me to reflect back on in due time! Praise God! :)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Blessed 24th birthday...
Once again, it is the time of the year where all my wonderful friends start sending me all those sweet and encouraging messages. Haha... Once again, I had to reflect on my 23rd year of existence! I really have come a long way but man, this is like only one third of my life! :) Certainly looking forward to be a 24 years old guy! Another new year of new things and new adventures!
Really had a wonderful time last evening. I met up with the SOT 2005's friends. They are a sweet bunch of people and I am certainly blessed to know them even though I am not in SOT 2005. :) We had dinner together, chat, shared and stuff. The last time I sat down and had a meal with them was about a month ago. I really do enjoy each and every one of the friendship with them, the bonds I have formed with them! :)
They were so sweet. Each one of them, including those who could not make it, wrote something sweet on a beautifully cut black piece of card. All these well designed cards were then slotted into another beautifully designed card holder. It liken to those one verse a day gift. Haha! Oh, they got me a stylish tee and I will certainly be parading myself in it soon! :) The funny thing was that they included the price tag with the tee. The tag on the tee and the receipt from the purchase. Everything was in it! I guess they really love me! They want me to know that the gift was not free and it did cost them something! Haha.. what a way to look at things right? Haha!
Thank you people! Thank you for your encouragements, your kind words your prayers and most importantly, the seeds that you are willing to sow into my life! I guess every year is special in its own way. The way I celebrated my birthday last year was definitely different to how it was celebrated this year! Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single bit of it! Though it is my birthday today, I am still in my office, replying emails. However, all is not lost! I have applied for leave on monday... to give myself a well-deserved rest and to do some catching up with a bro of mine from church, Mr jeremiah! :) Have a great day, people!
Really had a wonderful time last evening. I met up with the SOT 2005's friends. They are a sweet bunch of people and I am certainly blessed to know them even though I am not in SOT 2005. :) We had dinner together, chat, shared and stuff. The last time I sat down and had a meal with them was about a month ago. I really do enjoy each and every one of the friendship with them, the bonds I have formed with them! :)
They were so sweet. Each one of them, including those who could not make it, wrote something sweet on a beautifully cut black piece of card. All these well designed cards were then slotted into another beautifully designed card holder. It liken to those one verse a day gift. Haha! Oh, they got me a stylish tee and I will certainly be parading myself in it soon! :) The funny thing was that they included the price tag with the tee. The tag on the tee and the receipt from the purchase. Everything was in it! I guess they really love me! They want me to know that the gift was not free and it did cost them something! Haha.. what a way to look at things right? Haha!
Thank you people! Thank you for your encouragements, your kind words your prayers and most importantly, the seeds that you are willing to sow into my life! I guess every year is special in its own way. The way I celebrated my birthday last year was definitely different to how it was celebrated this year! Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single bit of it! Though it is my birthday today, I am still in my office, replying emails. However, all is not lost! I have applied for leave on monday... to give myself a well-deserved rest and to do some catching up with a bro of mine from church, Mr jeremiah! :) Have a great day, people!
Blessed 24th birthday...
Once again, it is the time of the year where all my wonderful friends start sending me all those sweet and encouraging messages. Haha... Once again, I had to reflect on my 23rd year of existence! I really have come a long way but man, this is like only one third of my life! :) Certainly looking forward to be a 24 years old guy! Another new year of new things and new adventures!
Really had a wonderful time last evening. I met up with the SOT 2005's friends. They are a sweet bunch of people and I am certainly blessed to know them even though I am not in SOT 2005. :) We had dinner together, chat, shared and stuff. The last time I sat down and had a meal with them was about a month ago. I really do enjoy each and every one of the friendship with them, the bonds I have formed with them! :)
They were so sweet. Each one of them, including those who could not make it, wrote something sweet on a beautifully cut black piece of card. All these well designed cards were then slotted into another beautifully designed card holder. It liken to those one verse a day gift. Haha! Oh, they got me a stylish tee and I will certainly be parading myself in it soon! :) The funny thing was that they included the price tag with the tee. The tag on the tee and the receipt from the purchase. Everything was in it! I guess they really love me! They want me to know that the gift was not free and it did cost them something! Haha.. what a way to look at things right? Haha!
Thank you people! Thank you for your encouragements, your kind words your prayers and most importantly, the seeds that you are willing to sow into my life! I guess every year is special in its own way. The way I celebrated my birthday last year was definitely different to how it was celebrated this year! Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single bit of it! Though it is my birthday today, I am still in my office, replying emails. However, all is not lost! I have applied for leave on monday... to give myself a well-deserved rest and to do some catching up with a bro of mine from church, Mr jeremiah! :) Have a great day, people!
Really had a wonderful time last evening. I met up with the SOT 2005's friends. They are a sweet bunch of people and I am certainly blessed to know them even though I am not in SOT 2005. :) We had dinner together, chat, shared and stuff. The last time I sat down and had a meal with them was about a month ago. I really do enjoy each and every one of the friendship with them, the bonds I have formed with them! :)
They were so sweet. Each one of them, including those who could not make it, wrote something sweet on a beautifully cut black piece of card. All these well designed cards were then slotted into another beautifully designed card holder. It liken to those one verse a day gift. Haha! Oh, they got me a stylish tee and I will certainly be parading myself in it soon! :) The funny thing was that they included the price tag with the tee. The tag on the tee and the receipt from the purchase. Everything was in it! I guess they really love me! They want me to know that the gift was not free and it did cost them something! Haha.. what a way to look at things right? Haha!
Thank you people! Thank you for your encouragements, your kind words your prayers and most importantly, the seeds that you are willing to sow into my life! I guess every year is special in its own way. The way I celebrated my birthday last year was definitely different to how it was celebrated this year! Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single bit of it! Though it is my birthday today, I am still in my office, replying emails. However, all is not lost! I have applied for leave on monday... to give myself a well-deserved rest and to do some catching up with a bro of mine from church, Mr jeremiah! :) Have a great day, people!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Heart eXposed...
It has been quite a while since I last poured my heart out! I have been posting quotes and stuff but have kinda stop reveal what's in my heart. To be honest, I am not sure what are in my heart right now. Haha... So let me try finding out what's in it as I run along this track of blogging. I seriously do not know where I am running to in this post, so do stick with me! :)
I know that some of my closest friends are reading this; friends who love and want to see me do well in life. I hope that this post will not disappoint them, instead, I hope that they will understand me better and embrace me in a new light! A long of things have happened in the past couple of months. I have ventured down a path I never thought I would go. A couple of months back, I had a purpose... to love God wholeheartedly. Now, the purpose is still the same! What is different is that a few months back, I was like a man trapped in a ring. Now, the sky is the only limit. Please! I am not arguing about which is right or which is the best way. Rather, I am just airing my views and, at least, these views are right for in this moment of time.
A few months back, people told me what to do and how to do it. There were a basic requirements or actions to everything, or at least, that was what I thought. In everything that I do, I did not do it for myself. Instead, I did it because I was told. I had to do this; I had to go for this... and it goes on and on. At first, things were good! I thought I was changing for the better! From one side, it seemed like I was making good progress. Everything became more colourful! However, as I was colouring one part of my life, I did not notice that the colour I was using to fill up in this part of my life, was taken from the other part of my life! The other part rotted... and ultimately, things happened and both side of this life crumbled and fell apart! Haha... This is how disillusion works too! It makes you think that stuff are good and well on this side of the pasture but you forgot that you own the other pasture too, the one you were leaving to get to this greener pasture!
I guess I am bitter at how things turned out! However, at this moment, I am not really bitter and unhappy. Rather, I am glad and I am cherishing every moment of being able to think about what I really want to do next.
I do seriously think that I have too many voices in my head. When I wanted to do something, I had to consider this and that... how people will view me; how will this turn, etc... Haha... This is so confusing and irritating! For now, I will have to go with my gut feeling! I love what Bro Sy Roger shared. About how God gives us this boundaries and if we wander too far, He will direct us back and stuff. I am just holding on to that for now! At least for now. I guess the reason why I was put in the ring is that people do not want me to wander too far and fall deep into a bad pit. Appreciate that but I guess, sometimes, I will rather fall into one and climb out of it and learn something! I guess that's so much for now!
Tomorrow is a BIG day! My birthday! I am certainly looking forward to a beautiful year ahead! I am hopeful and certainly am feeling great right now! :) Smile!
I know that some of my closest friends are reading this; friends who love and want to see me do well in life. I hope that this post will not disappoint them, instead, I hope that they will understand me better and embrace me in a new light! A long of things have happened in the past couple of months. I have ventured down a path I never thought I would go. A couple of months back, I had a purpose... to love God wholeheartedly. Now, the purpose is still the same! What is different is that a few months back, I was like a man trapped in a ring. Now, the sky is the only limit. Please! I am not arguing about which is right or which is the best way. Rather, I am just airing my views and, at least, these views are right for in this moment of time.
A few months back, people told me what to do and how to do it. There were a basic requirements or actions to everything, or at least, that was what I thought. In everything that I do, I did not do it for myself. Instead, I did it because I was told. I had to do this; I had to go for this... and it goes on and on. At first, things were good! I thought I was changing for the better! From one side, it seemed like I was making good progress. Everything became more colourful! However, as I was colouring one part of my life, I did not notice that the colour I was using to fill up in this part of my life, was taken from the other part of my life! The other part rotted... and ultimately, things happened and both side of this life crumbled and fell apart! Haha... This is how disillusion works too! It makes you think that stuff are good and well on this side of the pasture but you forgot that you own the other pasture too, the one you were leaving to get to this greener pasture!
I guess I am bitter at how things turned out! However, at this moment, I am not really bitter and unhappy. Rather, I am glad and I am cherishing every moment of being able to think about what I really want to do next.
I do seriously think that I have too many voices in my head. When I wanted to do something, I had to consider this and that... how people will view me; how will this turn, etc... Haha... This is so confusing and irritating! For now, I will have to go with my gut feeling! I love what Bro Sy Roger shared. About how God gives us this boundaries and if we wander too far, He will direct us back and stuff. I am just holding on to that for now! At least for now. I guess the reason why I was put in the ring is that people do not want me to wander too far and fall deep into a bad pit. Appreciate that but I guess, sometimes, I will rather fall into one and climb out of it and learn something! I guess that's so much for now!
Tomorrow is a BIG day! My birthday! I am certainly looking forward to a beautiful year ahead! I am hopeful and certainly am feeling great right now! :) Smile!
Heart eXposed...
It has been quite a while since I last poured my heart out! I have been posting quotes and stuff but have kinda stop reveal what's in my heart. To be honest, I am not sure what are in my heart right now. Haha... So let me try finding out what's in it as I run along this track of blogging. I seriously do not know where I am running to in this post, so do stick with me! :)
I know that some of my closest friends are reading this; friends who love and want to see me do well in life. I hope that this post will not disappoint them, instead, I hope that they will understand me better and embrace me in a new light! A long of things have happened in the past couple of months. I have ventured down a path I never thought I would go. A couple of months back, I had a purpose... to love God wholeheartedly. Now, the purpose is still the same! What is different is that a few months back, I was like a man trapped in a ring. Now, the sky is the only limit. Please! I am not arguing about which is right or which is the best way. Rather, I am just airing my views and, at least, these views are right for in this moment of time.
A few months back, people told me what to do and how to do it. There were a basic requirements or actions to everything, or at least, that was what I thought. In everything that I do, I did not do it for myself. Instead, I did it because I was told. I had to do this; I had to go for this... and it goes on and on. At first, things were good! I thought I was changing for the better! From one side, it seemed like I was making good progress. Everything became more colourful! However, as I was colouring one part of my life, I did not notice that the colour I was using to fill up in this part of my life, was taken from the other part of my life! The other part rotted... and ultimately, things happened and both side of this life crumbled and fell apart! Haha... This is how disillusion works too! It makes you think that stuff are good and well on this side of the pasture but you forgot that you own the other pasture too, the one you were leaving to get to this greener pasture!
I guess I am bitter at how things turned out! However, at this moment, I am not really bitter and unhappy. Rather, I am glad and I am cherishing every moment of being able to think about what I really want to do next.
I do seriously think that I have too many voices in my head. When I wanted to do something, I had to consider this and that... how people will view me; how will this turn, etc... Haha... This is so confusing and irritating! For now, I will have to go with my gut feeling! I love what Bro Sy Roger shared. About how God gives us this boundaries and if we wander too far, He will direct us back and stuff. I am just holding on to that for now! At least for now. I guess the reason why I was put in the ring is that people do not want me to wander too far and fall deep into a bad pit. Appreciate that but I guess, sometimes, I will rather fall into one and climb out of it and learn something! I guess that's so much for now!
Tomorrow is a BIG day! My birthday! I am certainly looking forward to a beautiful year ahead! I am hopeful and certainly am feeling great right now! :) Smile!
I know that some of my closest friends are reading this; friends who love and want to see me do well in life. I hope that this post will not disappoint them, instead, I hope that they will understand me better and embrace me in a new light! A long of things have happened in the past couple of months. I have ventured down a path I never thought I would go. A couple of months back, I had a purpose... to love God wholeheartedly. Now, the purpose is still the same! What is different is that a few months back, I was like a man trapped in a ring. Now, the sky is the only limit. Please! I am not arguing about which is right or which is the best way. Rather, I am just airing my views and, at least, these views are right for in this moment of time.
A few months back, people told me what to do and how to do it. There were a basic requirements or actions to everything, or at least, that was what I thought. In everything that I do, I did not do it for myself. Instead, I did it because I was told. I had to do this; I had to go for this... and it goes on and on. At first, things were good! I thought I was changing for the better! From one side, it seemed like I was making good progress. Everything became more colourful! However, as I was colouring one part of my life, I did not notice that the colour I was using to fill up in this part of my life, was taken from the other part of my life! The other part rotted... and ultimately, things happened and both side of this life crumbled and fell apart! Haha... This is how disillusion works too! It makes you think that stuff are good and well on this side of the pasture but you forgot that you own the other pasture too, the one you were leaving to get to this greener pasture!
I guess I am bitter at how things turned out! However, at this moment, I am not really bitter and unhappy. Rather, I am glad and I am cherishing every moment of being able to think about what I really want to do next.
I do seriously think that I have too many voices in my head. When I wanted to do something, I had to consider this and that... how people will view me; how will this turn, etc... Haha... This is so confusing and irritating! For now, I will have to go with my gut feeling! I love what Bro Sy Roger shared. About how God gives us this boundaries and if we wander too far, He will direct us back and stuff. I am just holding on to that for now! At least for now. I guess the reason why I was put in the ring is that people do not want me to wander too far and fall deep into a bad pit. Appreciate that but I guess, sometimes, I will rather fall into one and climb out of it and learn something! I guess that's so much for now!
Tomorrow is a BIG day! My birthday! I am certainly looking forward to a beautiful year ahead! I am hopeful and certainly am feeling great right now! :) Smile!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
These great quotes are not from me... Just find that they are so inspiring. Thus copying them here, to share them with you wonderful people who is reading this blog!
Love hurts when you break up with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most:
When the person you love has no idea how you feel about him/her
As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains:
As long as we have hope,
Tomorrow awaits:
Have great hopes,
And dare to go all out for them:
Have great dreams,
And dare to live them:
Have great expectations,
and believe in them!
Love hurts when you break up with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most:
When the person you love has no idea how you feel about him/her
As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains:
As long as we have hope,
Tomorrow awaits:
Have great hopes,
And dare to go all out for them:
Have great dreams,
And dare to live them:
Have great expectations,
and believe in them!
These great quotes are not from me... Just find that they are so inspiring. Thus copying them here, to share them with you wonderful people who is reading this blog!
Love hurts when you break up with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most:
When the person you love has no idea how you feel about him/her
As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains:
As long as we have hope,
Tomorrow awaits:
Have great hopes,
And dare to go all out for them:
Have great dreams,
And dare to live them:
Have great expectations,
and believe in them!
Love hurts when you break up with someone.
It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most:
When the person you love has no idea how you feel about him/her
As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains:
As long as we have hope,
Tomorrow awaits:
Have great hopes,
And dare to go all out for them:
Have great dreams,
And dare to live them:
Have great expectations,
and believe in them!
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